by sylvester | Apr 7, 2022
The Lyngate Window North Norfolk, England My sister Brenda and her husband Bill, own a farm in North Norfolk, England. Over the years they have created a nature reserve on their land – Lyngate. This had long been Bill’s dream, even as he worked in the fields as...
by sylvester | Apr 7, 2022
A Walk in the Park Hofgarten Düsseldorf “A Walk in the Park” usually refers to something easy, not requiring too much effort, like a “doddle” or “a piece of cake”. I used this term once for my students at the start of the of the new school year, when taking the class...
by sylvester | Apr 7, 2022
Himmel und Erde Einführung Richard Caston, oft beschrieben als mystischer Realist, malt Himmel und Erde und das, was sie verbindet: Bäume am Niederrhein in der Nähe von Düsseldorf, bei jedem Wetter und nach sorgfältiger Beobachtung – die Kunstwerke sind...
by sylvester | Apr 7, 2022
The Doors of Perception Die Pforten der Wahrnehmung In 2011 erhielt R.C. eine künstliche Augenlinse in der Augenklinik von Dr. Med Thomas Laube, um seinen Grauen Star zu behandeln. „Würden die Pforten der Wahrnehmung gereinigt, erschiene den Menschen alles, wie es...
by sylvester | Mar 18, 2022
Living Stones The Exhibition in Norwich Impressions of the opening of the exhibition “Livings Stones” in February 2014. See the cathedral paintings in...